FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - TANZANIA (27 March)

TANZANIA (27 March)

Prospects for the main season coarse grains in the southern highlands are favourable due to abundant rains. In the bi- modal areas the main season maize crop is now being planted.

Aggregate 2000 cereal production, mainly maize, is estimated at about 3.7 million tonnes, about 13 percent below the previous five years average. The decline is attributed to drought conditions in several parts of the country. However, the overall food supply situation has improved due to increased on-farm stocks and market supplies following harvests of the �short rains� crop. This has helped to relieve pockets of food insecurity in the northern and central regions of the country resulting from successive seasons of poor harvests.

In December 2000 an Emergency Operation was jointly approved by FAO and WFP for food assistance to 1.3 million people affected by drought across 11 regions, worth US$15.8 million for a period of 5 months.

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