FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - URUGUAY (23 March)

URUGUAY (23 March)

Land preparation has started for the forthcoming wheat crop and the area planted is forecast to increase slightly relative to last year’s 123 000 hectares due to the better weather and the expectation of higher regional prices in 2001. Harvest is in progress for coarse grains crops which were favoured by the abundant summer rains. Maize output is expected to reach 200 000 tonnes compared to last year’s 65 000 (70 per cent of maize and sorghum was lost in year 2000 due to a prolonged drought). Paddy harvest started in March and yields so far indicate that earlier forecasts of a total output of about 900 000 tonnes may need to be revised upwards in the next months.

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