FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - YUGOSLAVIA, FED. REP. OF (SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO)* (23 March)


The outlook for winter wheat, to be harvested as of June, has improved somewhat with localized rains but more precipitation is needed to replenish soil moisture supplies. In addition, there is a critical shortage of fertilizers for both winter and spring crops.

Prolonged dry weather delayed winter wheat planting and hindered crop establishment but somewhat better rains and mild temperatures since late December have improved the outlook. Also, despite poor economic conditions, farmers managed to plant some 700 000-750 000 hectares to winter wheat. This is less than planned � 800 000 hectares � but, more than was actually sown and harvested last year (roughly 600 000 hectares) and closer to average. The wheat production target is 2.5 million tonnes, but the critical shortage of fertilizers could result in a significantly smaller harvest.

Similarly, the spring planting and output targets may not be achieved. These include 6 million tonnes of maize from an area of 1.4 million hectares, 2.5 million tonnes of sugarbeet from 60 000 hectares, 450 000 tonnes of sunflower from 200 000 hectares and 350 000 tonnes of soybeans from 120 000 hectares.

WFP is currently targeting about 700 000 refugees and socially vulnerable people. In addition the ICRC assists 200 000 IDPs with an individual food ration and 100 000 people (social cases) through a hot meal under their soup kitchen programme.

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