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The Second Session of the ad hoc Intergovernmental Codex Task Force on Animal Feeding reached the following conclusions:


The Codex Task Force:

Agreed to discussed the information paper compiling a list of internationally available standards and validated methods for the examination of feedingstuffs under the appropriate section of the revised Proposed Draft Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding (para. 28-29 and 66);

Examined the information paper on lists established by different governments to control the use of prohibited and undesirable substances in animal feedingstuffs or other approaches and agreed that it would be further examined when considering the revised proposed draft code of good practice on animal feeding (paras. 30-36);

Agreed to request additional information on controls of permitted, prohibited and undesirable substances for compilation and consideration at the next Session (para. 35);

Agreed that a Drafting Group led by the United Kingdom, and assisted by Australia, Chile, Germany, Japan, the United States of America, Consumers International (CI), the Confédération mondiale de l’industrie de la santé animale (COMISA) and the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) to prepare a redraft of the Code (with the exception of Section 6) based on the Task Force’s discussions and agreements and written comments submitted at the second Session (para. 67);

Agreed that a Drafting Group led by Australia and assisted by Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, the Netherlands, Sudan, Thailand, Uganda, the Asociación Latinoamericana de Avicultura (ALA), Consumers International (CI), the Confédération mondiale de l’industrie de la santé animale (COMISA), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) would fully develop Section 6 of the Code on On-Farm Producing, Sale and Uses of Feedingstuffs for circulation, comment and further consideration at the next Session of the Task Force (para. 65);

Requested the Codex Secretariat to prepare comprehensive information on ongoing and completed work in other Codex Committees concerning the establishment of maximum levels and residue limits for feedingstuffs and foods in order to prioritize work towards the establishment of limits by these Committees for such substances in feedingstuffs if necessary (para. 15).

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