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Action Required as a Result of Changes in ADI Status and Other Toxicological Recommendations (Agenda Item 4b)[5]

17. The Committee noted action required by the CCFAC as a result of changes to existing acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) and/or the establishment of new ADIs for food additives, or other toxicological recommendations for contaminants, as recommended by the 55th JECFA meeting.

18. The WHO Secretary clarified that the JECFA recommendation that the “Use of Paprika Oleoresin as a spice was acceptable” was due to the fact that the substance was self-limiting as a spice extract. The WHO Secretary further noted that the 55th JECFA was aware of the use of Paprika Oleoresin as a food colour, but that the evaluation did not consider food color uses.

19. The Committee noted that the information contained in the document should be considered by the ad hoc Working Groups on the Codex General Standard for Food Additives and on the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods when considering amendments to the respective general standards.

20. The table summarizing “Action Required as a Result of Changes in Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) Status and Other Toxicological Recommendations Arising from the 55th JECFA Meeting” is attached to this report as Appendix XVIII.

[5] CX/FAC 01/3

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