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Endorsement and/or Revision of Maximum Levels for Food Additives in Codex Standards (Agenda Item 6)[8]

30. The Committee considered the additive provisions in commodity standards under elaboration in the Committee on Milk and Milk Products (CCMMP), the Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate (CCCPC), the Committee on Soups and Broths (CCSB), the Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (CCPFV) and the Committee on Fish and Fishery Products (CCFFP). The Committee endorsed the additive provisions as proposed with the following amendments and comments.

Draft Group Standard for Unripened Cheese including Fresh Cheese

31. The Committee reaffirmed that GMP levels of use should not be recommended for additives with a numerical ADI and therefore did not endorse the GMP use of Curcumin (100) in view of its temporary ADI of 0-1 mg/kg body weight.

32. The Committee noted that Paprika Oleoresin (160c) had been evaluated by JECFA (see para. 18) as flavour (spice extract) and not as a colour and therefore, did not endorse its use as a colour. The Committee noted that JECFA had established an ADI “not specified” for Sodium Gluconate (576) and confirmed its use according to GMP.

33. The Committee agreed that Pimaricin (235) should be temporarily endorsed pending a re-evaluation by JECFA, in conformity with the decision of the 32nd CCFAC[9] concerning the additive.

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Whey Powders

34. The JECFA Secretariat informed the Committee that JECFA had not established an ADI for Benzoyl Peroxide (928) and had recommended a maximum level of use of 40 mg/kg for flour treatment. Consequently, the proposed level of 100 mg/kg in whey powders was not endorsed.

Proposed Draft Standard for Chocolate and Chocolate Products

35. The Committee endorsed the food additive provisions as proposed, however, the Committee did not endorse the GMP level for Vanillin and Ethyl-Vanillin in view of their numerical ADI.

36. The Delegation of the United States proposed to delete Cyclamic Acid (952), as it was not allowed in its national legislation due to safety concerns. Other delegations supported its inclusion as it was currently allowed in several countries. The Committee agreed to retain the current section on sweeteners. The Delegation of the United States, supported by the delegations of Canada and Thailand, expressed its disagreement with the inclusion of this additive on food safety grounds.

37. The JECFA Secretariat informed the Committee that no ADI had been allocated to Gold (175) and Silver (174); however, JECFA had agreed that, in view of their very limited use and consumption, they were not considered as a hazard to health. The Committee therefore agreed to endorse the use of Gold and Silver in Chocolate and Chocolate Products.

Draft Revised Standard for Cocoa Powders (Cocoas) and Dry Mixtures of Cocoa and Sugars

38. The Delegation of Japan, referring to its written comments[10], and following earlier discussion in the CCCPC, presented the technical justification for the inclusion of one emulsifier and several stabilizers and thickeners in the standard.

39. The Delegation of Switzerland, supported by some delegations, expressed the view that many emulsifiers were already allowed in cocoa powders at GMP level and the addition of other substances might significantly increase additive intake, and proposed that the question should be referred back to the CCCPC for further consideration. It was also pointed out that although Propylene Glycol Esters of Fatty Acids (477) was already included in the GSFA for a number of foods, there were no provisions for this additive in cocoa and chocolate products.

40. Other delegations pointed out that the role of the Committee was to ensure safe use of additives and there was no reason to limit the use of safe additives when technological justification was provided, as in the present case. The Committee agreed to add the additives proposed by the Delegation of Japan in the sections on emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners (CX/FAC 01/5, pages 18-19).

Draft Revised Standard for Bouillons and Consommés

41. The Committee endorsed the additive provisions as proposed, however, following its earlier decision concerning the use of Paprika Oleoresin (160c) the Committee agreed not to endorse it as a colour, but to include it in the Flavours section, as it had been evaluated by JECFA as a flavour (spice extract) (also see para. 32 above).

Other Provisions

42. The Committee endorsed the additive provisions in the following standards as proposed:

[8] CX/FAC 01/5, CX/FAC 01/5-Add.1 and Add. 2
[9] ALINORM 01/12, para. 29
[10] CX/FAC 01/5

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