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Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives Arising from the Fifty-fifth Meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) (Agenda Item 10)[34]

90. The 32nd Session of the CCFAC decided to reconvene the ad hoc Working Group on Specifications prior to its current session under the Chairmanship of the USA (ALINORM 01/12, para 71). The ad hoc Working Group was chaired by Dr. P. Kuznesof (USA). Mrs. H. Wallin (Finland) acted as Rapporteur and Mrs. I. Meyland (Denmark) acted as Category Monitor.

91. The Committee noted that Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives arising from the 55th JECFA meeting (FAO/FNP 52 - Add. 8) had been circulated for comments under CX/FAC 01/13. The Committee referred one food additive and two flavouring agents in Category III back to JECFA for further advice. The Committee was advised that JECFA had decided to withdraw tentative specifications for 16 food additives because no information on these had been received despite repeated calls for data.

92. The Committee was advised that it was anticipated that the JECFA specifications contained in FNP 52 and its addenda 1-7 would be available in electronic form in August 2001. The Committee was also informed that FNP 5, Guide to Specifications would be reviewed and revised. All interested parties were invited to submit information that would be of relevance to the revision of FNP 5.

Status of the Specifications for the Identity and Purity of Food Additives arising from the 55th JECFA Meeting

93. The Committee agreed to forward 59 food additives specifications and 262 flavouring agents specifications in Category I to the Commission for adoption as Codex Advisory Specifications. Of the 59 food additives specifications, 31 specifications for emulsifiers were forwarded for adoption of new limits for arsenic and lead, as appropriate, and the heavy metals (as lead) limits deleted (see Appendix VIII).

94. The Committee thanked the ad hoc Working Group for its efforts, and agreed to re-establish the ad hoc Working Group on Specifications to meet, under the Chairmanship of the USA, prior to the 34th Session of the CCFAC.

[34] CX/FAC 01/13, Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Specifications (CRD 2) and comments submitted by Finland (CX/FAC 01/13 – Add. 1) and Japan (CRD 7)

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