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Comments on the Technical Annex on the Distribution Curves of Contaminants in Food Products (Agenda Item 14b)[48]

124. The 32nd CCFAC agreed that comments would be requested concerning data on actual foodstuff contamination on the Technical Annex on Distribution Curves of Contaminants in Food Products (CX/FAC 00/15 - Add. 1), with the intention that the document would in due course be incorporated into Annex 1 of the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods[49].

125. The Delegation of France pointed out that the distribution curves had been developed to evaluate exposure and to assist in the process of setting maximum limits, which should be the main objective of the Committee. France also noted that the framework set for exposure assessment should be flexible.

126. In view of its discussion under Agenda Item 14(a) above, the Committee confirmed that the Technical Annex would be considered for inclusion in the proposed draft Principles for Exposure Assessment of Contaminants and Toxins in Foods.

[48] Comments submitted in response to CL 2000/10-FAC from Canada (CX/FAC 01/19), Canada (CRD 9) and France, EC (CRD 14)
[49] ALINORM 01/12, para. 85

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