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Proposed Draft Revised Sampling Plan for Peanuts (Agenda Item 15b)[52]

134. The 32nd CCFAC decided[53] that a drafting group under the direction of the Netherlands would prepare a draft revised version of the Sampling Plan for Peanuts for circulation, comment and further consideration at the 33rd CCFAC.


135. At the suggestion of the Delegation of Thailand and supported by several other delegations, the Committee clarified that the sampling plan generally applied to shelled peanuts and that a single laboratory sample of 20 kg of shelled peanuts corresponded to 27 kg of unshelled peanuts.

Section A - Definitions

136. The Committee had an exchange of views on the proposal of the Delegation of India to amend the definition of Laboratory Sample and agreed to specify at the end of the definition that “The sample should be finely ground and mixed thoroughly using a process that approaches as complete a homogenization as possible”.

Section B - Sampling

137. It was suggested that in Table 1 the term “Groundnuts” be changed to “Peanuts”. The Committee agreed to some changes for clarification purposes in the sections on “Number of Incremental Samples” and “Weight of Incremental Samples” as proposed by the delegation of New Zealand.

Section C - Sample Preparation

138. The reference to “all the material received by the laboratory” was replaced with “all laboratory sample obtained from aggregate sample”, as proposed by the Delegation of India and following the recommendation of the CCMAS.

Status of the Proposed Draft Revised Sampling Plan for Total Aflatoxins in Peanuts for Further Processing

139. The Committee agreed to forward the proposed draft Revised Sampling Plan for Total Aflatoxins in Peanuts Intended for Further Processing to the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for adoption at Step 5/8, with the recommendation to omit Steps 6 and 7 (see Appendix XI).

[52] CX/FAC 01/21 and comments submitted by the United Kingdom, EC (CX/FAC 01/21-Add. 1) and Mexico, New Zealand, Senegal, Thailand (CRD 10)
[53] ALINORM 01/12, para. 10

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