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Comments on the Draft Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to Reduce Contamination of Food with Chemicals (Agenda Item 16a)[63]


152. The 32nd CCFAC forwarded the proposed draft Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to Reduce Contamination of Foods with Chemicals to the Executive Committee for adoption at step 5[64]. The 47th Session of the CCEXEC adopted the proposed draft Code of Practice at Step 5 and expressed the view that the matter fell within the terms of reference of the CCFAC.[65]

Status of the Draft Code of Practice for Source Directed Measures to Reduce Contamination of Food with Chemicals

153. The Committee forwarded the draft Code of Practice to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix XIII).

[63] CX/FAC 01/25 (not issued) and comments submitted in response to CL 2000/15 - GEN from Thailand (CRD 11)
[64] ALINORM 01/12, para. 112 and Appendix XVIII
[65] ALINORM 01/3, paras. 54-55 and appendix III

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