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Position Paper on Dioxins and Dioxin Like PCBs (Agenda Item 16e)[72]

172. The 32nd Session of the CCFAC requested the Netherlands to elaborate a Position Paper on Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs for consideration at its current meeting.[73]

173. The delegations of Belgium, France and the Netherlands noted that they were in favour of elaborating maximum limits for dioxins in food and feedingstuffs.

174. The JECFA Secretariat encouraged the submission of data on foods, feedingstuffs, and breast-milk as soon as possible so as to facilitate consideration of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs at the 57th JECFA meeting in June 2001. The JECFA Secretariat stressed the importance of quality assurance for data submitted to JECFA and the need for information on methods of analysis and sampling plans. The Representative of WHO informed the Committee about the manual for electronic submission of data prepared by WHO in the framework of GEMS/Foods, and noted that it would be helpful to submit data in that format if possible.

175. The Committee was informed that following its request[74] to the CCMAS to provide information on methods of analysis for dioxins, the CCMAS agreed[75] to consider this question at its next session and to ask the Delegation of Germany to collect information on methods of analysis. The Committee also noted that the Task Force on Animal Feeding would consider methodology for contaminants in feed at its next session[76].

176. The Committee requested delegations to submit all available information on methods of analysis for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in foods and feedingstuffs to the delegation of the Netherlands.

177. The Committee agreed that the delegation of the Netherlands would revise the Position Paper on Dioxins and Dioxin-like PCBs, for circulation, comment and consideration at the 34th CCFAC Session, taking into account the comments received as well as the results of the JECFA evaluation on dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs scheduled for the 57th JECFA in June 2001. The Committee agreed to inform the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Codex Task Force on Animal Feeding of its discussions regarding dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs.

[72] CX/FAC 01/29 and comments submitted by Belgium, the United Kingdom, FEFAC (CX/FAC 01/29-Add 1), Austria, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay (CRD 11) and Brazil, Sweden, EC (CRD 14)
[73] ALINORM 01/12, para. 130
[74] ALINORM 01/12, para. 132
[75] ALINORM 01/23, paras. 13-15
[76] ALINORM 01/38A, paras. 28-29 and 66

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