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8. Recommendations

1. The Consultation recommends that the FAO/WHO 2001 decision tree be used for determining allergenicity of foods derived from biotechnology.

2. The Consultation recommends that FAO and WHO should endeavour to update the decision tree as and when required.

3. The identification of food allergens and the characteristics of these allergens that define their immunogenicity are encouraged.

4. Protein and gene databases required for the assessment of allergenicity of foods derived from biotechnology should be frequently updated and maintained.

5. Further research is needed on the development and validation of suitable animal models and procedures for the assessment of allergenicity of foods derived from biotechnology.

6. The Consultation recommends that the possibility of implementing post-marketing surveillance should be further studied.

7. The Consultation recommends that FAO and WHO provide technical support to member countries to strengthen their capacity and infrastructure to enable those countries to undertake the evaluation of the allergenicity of foods derived from biotechnology.

8. The Consultation recommends to FAO and WHO the establishment of a coordination network to promote and strengthen the interaction between experts to improve standard operating procedures, good laboratory practices and good clinical practice to facilitate the evaluation of the allergenicity of foods derived from biotechnology.

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