FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/01 - UGANDA (18 June)

UGANDA (18 June)

Despite reports of army-worm invasion in some districts, prospects for the 2001 first season foodcrops, to be harvested from June, remain favourable following normal rains. The first rainy season was fully established by mid-March in most southern parts of the country providing adequate moisture for growing crops. Crops are reported in good condition in most parts of the country. In north-eastern and eastern districts, affected by successive poor harvests and insecurity, abundant rains and improved security benefited crops and pasture.

Overall food supply conditions are satisfactory. Prices of beans and maize remain stable. However, food shortages are reported in parts of Katakwi, Kotido and Moroto Districts. The displaced population in Bundibugyo, Gulu and Kitgum Districts are reported to have adequate own production and assistance through WFP feeding programs.