FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/01 - ZAMBIA (5 June)

ZAMBIA (5 June)

Harvesting of the 2001 coarse grains, mainly maize, is well advanced. Prospects deteriorated with excessive rains in February and March over most parts of the country, which negatively affected yields and resulted in localized floods, particularly along the Zambezi and Luangwa Rivers. By contrast, in the Southern and Western Provinces, prolonged dry weather in January stressed developing maize crop and reduced yields.

Overall, this year’s maize production is forecast at 1.1 million tonnes, 16 percent below the good crop of 2000 but still around the average of the past five years. After being self-sufficient in maize in 2000/01 (April/March) the country may face an import requirement of about 220 000 tonnes of maize in marketing year 2001/02.