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Regular and well above normal rains from mid-July benefited crop development in all agricultural zones. Following erratic rains in June and early July, precipitation improved significantly during the second dekad of July and remained regular, widespread and well above normal in all agricultural zones. During the last dekad, rains were particularly abundant in the southwest and the centre where deficit of rainfall had been recorded in June. Cumulative rainfall as of late July is above last year's level. Satellite images for the first week of August indicate that precipitation remained well above normal in the west and the centre. Soil moisture reserves are adequate in most agricultural zones. Crops are developing satisfactorily. Millet and sorghum are generally in the tillering/elongation stages in the Sahelian zone, elongating in the Sudanian zone.

Pastures are regenerating widely following these good rains. Attacks of grasshoppers and armyworms are reported in several parts of the south and the centre resulting in localized replanting of millet and sorghum. Grain eating birds also caused damage to maize in the south of Batha region. A few Desert Locusts may be present in parts of Biltine and near Fada in BET where small-scale breeding could occur in areas of recent rainfall.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.

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