FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - ARGENTINA (5 September)

ARGENTINA (5 September)

The area planted to wheat this year is forecast at 7.2 million hectares, 90 percent of which was already sown by the end of August. Favourable winter weather conditions are helping crop development and production is provisionally estimated to reach 18.0 million tonnes, some 9 percent higher than last year. The area planted to barley is also expected to be some 40 percent higher than last year. Maize harvest finished in June and current estimates indicate an output of 15.7 million tonnes, about 8 percent lower than last year. Official sources indicate that the area harvested to paddy reached 134 000 hectares, and output is estimated at 640 000 tonnes, 30 percent lower than last year.