FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA* (3 September)


May floods and hail in northern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the adjacent areas of Republica Serbska damaged large areas of crops and livelihoods. An FAO mission to north-eastern region was fielded late July to assess the damages caused by floods and hail. The worst affected areas were Tuzla, Zenica, Doboj, Posavina and Brcko. More than 14 640 households have been affected by floods, while crop damages in the affected areas range between 15 and 35 percent of the cropped area. FAO, therefore, forecasts cereal production for 2001 at 924 000 tonnes similar to the drought affected production levels of the preceding year. The overall effect on grain production is limited because the floods partially affected maize, while wheat was severely affected but is not the major crop in the affected region.

Cereal import in 2001/02 is expected to remain at 2000/01 levels, 290 000 tonnes including 100 000 tonnes in food aid.