FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - BRAZIL (5 September)

BRAZIL (5 September)

Cereal crops are in good conditions in the southern states of Brazil. Wheat output is forecast at 3.4 million tonnes (1.6 million tonnes last year) due to a 57 percent increase in plantings and normal winter weather. The area planted to second season maize (safrinha) has been revised upwards; output is forecast to increase 59 percent from last year and reach 6.1 million tonnes. The outlook for crops in the Northeast is not favourable. SUDENE, the Government development agency for the northeast, informs that during July and August very dry weather conditions prevailed. More dry weather is expected for the semester that starts in September. Second season bean crops were severely affected by drought. IBGE, the Brazilian Institute of Statistics and Geography, estimates that the losses represent 11 percent of the crop in Ceara, 57 percent in Rio Grande du Norte and 85 percent in Paraiba. The losses in the important producing state of Bahia have not yet been quantified. The dry weather is expected to continue until November. Early forecast of 7 million tonnes of wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) remain unchanged despite the anticipated increase in production.