FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - MAURITANIA (7 September)

MAURITANIA (7 September)

Following reduced rains in late July, precipitation improved significantly in the south in early August, but decreased during the second dekad. The northern parts of the producing zones received above normal rains in late August. Rains became unusually abundant in some localities of Gorgol and Brakna causing damage to young crops. By contrast, most producing zones in the south received limited rains during the second and third dekads of August. Cumulative rainfall as of late August was below last year’s level and below average. Irregular rains in August affected development of late planted crops. Early millet and sorghum are at vegetative stage, while irrigated rice is heading.

Apart from the departments of Maghama (southeast of Gorgol) and Sélibaby (Guidimakha), the regeneration of pastures in most pastoral zones has been hindered by the dry spell in mid-August. Treatments against grain eating birds have been undertaken in Trarza and Gorgol. Isolated and limited numbers of Desert Locusts are reported in the south. Small-scale breeding is underway but no significant developments are likely.

The food supply situation is generally good despite an increase in the price of imported rice and other staple food in July and August. A joint CILSS/FEWS- NET/FAO/WFP mission in early August found a deterioration of the food situation in many areas in the Aftout and the Senegal River valley. It recommended food distributions in these vulnerable zones.