FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - MALAWI (7 September)

MALAWI (7 September)

Official production estimates of the 2001 cereal crop have been revised downward to 1.83 million tonnes, 30 percent below the bumper crops of the previous two years. The main maize crop is estimated at 1.71 million tonnes, one-third or 788 000 tonnes lower than in 2000. Production was adversely affected by excessive rains throughout the country, which resulted in floods in several areas and significantly reduced yields. In southern and central parts, dry weather in January also reduced maize yields.

As a result, the country that exported maize in the past two years will need to import commercially some 160 000 tonnes in marketing year 2001/02 (April/March) in order to meet normal consumption requirements. Reflecting the reduced harvest, prices of maize have increased sharply in the past month, affecting access to food of large numbers of vulnerable people. Food shortages are being reported in some districts. Emergency food assistance continues to be distributed to 208 500 people worst affected by the floods.