FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - NIGER (7 September)

NIGER (7 September)

After above-normal rains in late July, rainfall decreased somewhat in early August. It improved significantly during the second dekad of August notably in the centre where it was abundant. Precipitation remained widespread and above average in late August and early September. Cumulative rainfall as of late August was generally above last year’s level and above normal. Crops are developing satisfactorily in all agricultural zones. Grasshopper and other insect infestations are reported in several departments; treatments have been undertaken locally. No Desert Locust activity is reported. Early harvests of millet have started in Zinder region. An above average to record crop is anticipated.

Following a below-average crop in 2000, a locally- organized joint CILSS/FEWS-NET/FAO/WFP mission in mid- August found that cereal prices were high and the food situation was tight in Ouallam, Filingué and Loga areas. Prices of cereals increased significantly and remained higher than average during the lean season. The most at-risk zones are in Tchirozérine, Maïné-Sorea, N’Guigmi, Filingué and Ouallam arrondissements. A total of about 53 000 tonnes of cereals have been distributed or sold at subsidised prices from international food assistance and governemental initiatives. More than 1 billion F.CFA francs has been made available from the National Food Security Fund and the Donor Common Fund to buy cereals. In addition, 2 000 tonnes of seeds have been distributed in the affected areas. Financial assistance has also been given for off-season irrigated crops.