FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages No.4, September 2001


ALGERIA (4 September)

Harvesting of the 2001 cereal crops has been completed and aggregate production is provisionally estimated at 2.6 million tonnes, a significant recovery from last year�s drought affected levels. About 2.0 million tonnes of wheat have been harvested compared to 750 000 tonnes the year before, while barley output, mainly used for feed, increased from 300 000 tonnes to 573 000 tonnes.

Despite improvements in production, substantial cereal imports are still necessary to meet domestic requirements. Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are forecast at about 5 million tonnes, while some 600 000 tonnes of barley are anticipated.

EGYPT (4 September)

Harvesting of the 2001 irrigated wheat crop was completed in July and output is provisionally estimated to be slightly above average at 6.3 million tonnes, but below the 2000 good crop of 6.6 million tonnes. Harvesting of the maize crop is well underway while that of paddy has only started. The outlook is good and maize production is anticipated to be close to the record output harvested in the previous year. Early forecasts of irrigated paddy point to a slightly aboveaverage crop of 5.4 million tonnes.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are forecast at about 6.6 million tonnes, some 200 000 tonnes above the previous year, while maize imports are expected to decrease by 600 000 tonnes to about 3.8 million tonnes.

MOROCCO (4 September)

Wheat production in 2001 is estimated to be above average at 3.3 million tonnes, more than double the output of 2000 when the crop was affected by drought. Barley production also increased substantially from last year�s low level. However, at 1.2 million tonnes, it is still well below the average of the past five years, mainly due to lower plantings caused by inadequate rainfall in the spring, particularly in the south and eastern parts of the country. Most of the increase in cereal production registered this year was in the north of the country.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are forecast at about 3 million tonnes compared to 3.3 millions tonnes in the previous year. Barley imports are expected to decline from 1.1 millions to about 600 000 tonnes, largely reflecting this year�s improved production. Maize imports should remain similar to last year�s 800 000 tonnes.

TUNISIA (4 September)

Harvesting of the 2001 winter crops has been completed and wheat and barley outputs are estimated at about 900 000 tonnes and 350 000 tonnes, respectively. Aggregate production is about 15 percent above last year�s level, when the crops suffered from inadequate rainfall. However, production is still well below the average of the past five years, due to two consecutive years of drought conditions which affected particularly the centre and south of the country.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June) are expected to be close to the previous year�s 1 million tonnes. Barley imports are forecast to decline from 300 000 tonnes to some 250 000 tonnes, while a small increase is anticipated in maize imports.

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