FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - SENEGAL (7 September)

SENEGAL (7 September)

After limited rains in the north and the centre in late July, precipitation improved significantly in the west during the first dekad of August. From 10 to 22 August, dry conditions prevailed in major parts of the country causing water stress for the young millet crop, mostly in the central and northern parts. Rains resumed during the last week of August and remained regular and widespread in early September allowing crops to recover, notably in the centre and the south. Cumulative rainfall as of the end of August was generally below last year’s level and below normal. Satellite images for the first week of September indicate that rains improved, notably in the southeast. In the south and the east, millet and sorghum are heading while they are tillering/elongating in the north. Apart from Louga area, pastures are generally good. Infestations of insects have been reported in many zones in the southeast, the centre and the northwest. Localized treatments have been undertaken.

Apart from some areas in Louga and Saint-Louis, the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied. The price of millet and sorghum seasonably increased, while the price of rice remained mostly stable. However, the recurrent fighting in the south has led to the disruption of the food supply network.