FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - TAJIKISTAN* (4 September)

TAJIKISTAN* (4 September)

Drought, water shortages, dilapidated irrigation system and structural problems have worsened the food supply situation this year compared to last year when a large food deficit was experienced and food supply remained very tight throughout the year. The two main rivers, Amu and Syr, feeding the extensive irrigation system of the country, have been flowing at about 50 percent of the average levels. Precipitation levels are estimated to be about 60 percent of the average annual levels, in particular during the crucial months of March and April for wheat crop cycle. Agricultural inputs, quality seeds and fertilizers, are in short supply and generally inaccessible to grain crops. Agricultural machinery is also in short supply and inadequate to meet demand. In addition, about 40-50 percent of the water lifting equipment and about 60 percent of the heavy machinery used for canal and drainage maintenance are out of order, which have significantly compromised the efficacy and efficiency of the irrigation system.

An FAO/WFP joint Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) that visited the country between June and July 2001, estimated the total cereal production at 303 000 tonnes compared with 355 000 tonnes in 2000. Wheat output, the main staple crop, is estimated at 233 000 tonnes this year compared with 283 000 tonnes last year and 366 000 tonnes in 1999.

Cereal import requirement (mainly wheat) for 2001/02 marketing year (July/June) is estimated at 788 000 tonnes. The uncovered food aid requirement is estimated at 345 000 tonnes, after taking into account a projected commercial import capacity of 400 000 tonnes and pledged food aid of 43 000 tonnes. Food deficit of this magnitude for an impoverished population, if not addressed, would have dire consequences. Due to a similar situation last year and lack of alternative sources of income, many households have exhausted their coping strategies and will need emergency food assistance in the ensuing year.

WFP has been providing emergency food assistance to 1.6 million people under vulnerable group feeding (910 000 people) and food for asset rehabilitation (250 000 people) programmes since October 2000. The current EMOP is expected to come to an end by December 2001 by then a total of 72 468 tonnes of wheat flour, 2 050 tonnes of vegetable oil, 1 200 tonnes of pulses and 700 tonnes of salt would have been distributed.