FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - UGANDA (10 September)

UGANDA (10 September)

Harvesting of the 2001 main season cereal crop is almost complete and the outlook is favourable following normal rains. The first rainy season was fully established by midMarch in most southern parts providing adequate moisture for growing crops. In north-eastern and eastern districts, affected by successive poor harvests and insecurity, abundant rains benefited crops and pasture. Improved security conditions in Bundibugyo, Kasese and Kabarole Districts in the west and Gulu and Kitgum in the north enabled an increase in planted area.

Overall, the food supply situation is adequate. Prices of beans and maize remain stable. However, food difficulties are reported in parts of Katakwi District where almost one-third of the population is internally displaced due to insecurity. The displaced population in Bundibugyo, Gulu and Kitgum Districts are reported to have adequate own production and assistance through WFP feeding programmes.