FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 09/01 - TANZANIA (10 September)

TANZANIA (10 September)

Harvesting of the 2001 main season cereal crops is complete. A national crop and food supply survey planned for JulyAugust did not take place, but preliminary reports from field offices indicate above- average production as a result of favourable rains. Growing conditions have been generally good, with normal to above-normal cumulative rainfall in most parts of the country. In bi-modal rainfall areas of the north and north-east, despite a late start, good rains since April benefited the crops of the “Masika” season. Pastures and livestock are reported in good condition reflecting generally abundant rains.

The overall food supply situation is satisfactory. The harvests in the bimodal rainfall areas and on-going harvests in unimodal rainfall regions are increasing on- farm stocks and food access due to low prices. The food situation of pastoralists has also improved due to increased water supplies and pastures.