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Medina Pizzali, A.F.

Low-cost fish retailing equipment and facilities in large urban areas of Southeast Asia.

FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 405 Rome, FAO. 2001 142p


This paper describes the marketing of fresh and live fish, as well as provides examples of low-cost retailing equipment and facilities used in four large urban centres of Southeast Asia (Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Bangkok). It also examines the status, problems and needs of those in the fish retail trade, in particular, the street fish vending sector. The primary data, collected through surveys and interviews, was related to the available equipment/facilities being used; technical characteristics; investment and operational costs; improved technologies; training programmes; national legislation; and investment programmes related to urban street fish vending. Secondary data comprised information complied by national agencies and FAO. Based on the findings of the study, the author puts forward recommendations to promote the street fish vending sector and improve fish retail marketing, while acknowledging the need for more research to be done in the field

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