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Abella, F., Baltazar, C., Ballo, H., Camu, M., Ragaza, R., Madakia, H., Limpus, L. 1996. Development of quality standards for handling & grading of cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish & octopus). Pilot project- Philippines (WBS-522-Activity 2), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Department of Agriculture. ASEAN - Canada Fisheries Post-harvest Technology Project Phase II. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Boonchowong, P. and Lawapong, A. 1999. Marketing and exporting grouper in Thailand. Paper presented at the APEC-NACA Workshop on Grouper Research and development, 7-9 April 1999 Hat Yai, Thailand, 12 pp.

Caindec, R. 1999. A situationer of the bangus industry in the Philippines. Manila. Philippines Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA). 22 pp.

Dawson, R., Liamrangsi, S. and Boccas, F. 1996. Bangkok’s street food project. In FAO Food, Nutrition and Agriculture, p. 38-44. Rome, No. 17/18, 72 pp.

De Guzman, P.E., et al. 1996. Modelling the improvement of the quality and safety of street foods in the school. Manila. Philippine Journal of Science 125: 1: p. 15-36.

EEC. 1991. Council Directive of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fishery products. (91/493/EEC) Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 268/15: p. 78-84.

Fish Marketing Organization. 2000. Fisheries Record 1999. Bangkok, FMO. 83 pp.

Ganaden, S. R. and Lavapie-Gonzales, F. 1999. Common and local names of marine fishes of the Philippines. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Philippines. 385 pp.

INFOFISH/LKIM/FAO. 1994. Proceedings of the INFOFISH/LKIM/FAO Regional Workshop on Fish Marketing in Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 162 pp.

INFOFISH. Trade News No. 6/2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, p. 30.

Land Bank of the Philippines. 1998. Fisheries marketing in the Philippines. Makati, Manila. Land Bank of the Philippines, 56 pp.

Liewchavalit S. and Eimsila, S. 1999. Bangkok City report on street food development. Bangkok, (draft version). Paper presented at the FAO Regional Seminar on Street Food Development, Bangkok, 29/9/99 to 1/10/99, 6 pp.

Lim-Quizon, M.C. et. al. 1994. Cholera in Metropolitan Manila: foodborne transmission via street vendors. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 72(5): p. 745-749.

Lisac, H. 1976. Proposed development work on fish utilization in Phokara development region. Report prepared for the Integrated Fishery and Fish Culture Development in Phokara Project. FAO/FI:DP/NEP/73/025/2. Rome. 37 pp.

Lisac, H. 1986. A note on the air shipment of live lobster. Infofish Marketing Digest 4/86. 3 pp.

Low Lai Kim & Ng Cher Siang. 1992. Training Manual on Fish Quality Preservation. Singapore. MFRD, SEAFDEC. 271 pp.

Medina Pizzali, A. F. 1997. Equipos e instalaciones de bajo costo para la comercializacion minorista de pescado. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No.363. Rome. 105 pp.

Nolledo, J. N. (Compiler) 1991. The 1991 local government code with basic features. Manila, National Book Store. 290 pp.

Pawanchee, Z.A. 1999. Development of street food activities: Kuala Lumpur experience. Kuala Lumpur, (draft version). Paper presented at the FAO Regional Seminar on Street Food Development, Bangkok, 29/9/99 to 1/10/99. 14 pp.

Pawiro, S. 2000. Markets for cultured grouper and other marine finfish. Paper presented at the Regional Workshop on Management Strategies for Sustainable Seafarming and Grouper Aquaculture. 17-20 April 2000. Medan, Indonesia, BOBP/NACA. 9 p.

Ruckes, E. 1996. Availability of fishery products for human consumption in Asia. Report presented at the Regional Consultation on Institutional Credit for Sustainable Fish Marketing, Capture and Management in Asia and the Pacific. FAO, Rome 145 pp.

Sangil, C.F. 1999. Street food situation: the Philippine experience. Manila, (draft version). Paper presented at the FAO Regional Seminar on Street Food Development, Bangkok, 29/9/99 to 1/10/99. 20 pp..

Soponpong, K. (editor). 1992. Proceedings of the workshop on full utilization of aquatic resources, 29-30 September 1992. Bangkok, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, FAO of the United Nations. 215 pp.

Tan Sen Min, Lim Pang Yong, Tetsushi Senta, Hooi Kok Kuang, et al. (Compilers). 1989. A Colour Guide to the Fishes of the South China Sea and the Andaman Sea. Singapore. Primary Production Department, MFRD, SEAFDEC. 63 pp.

Yu, S.Y., Lee, C.C. 1997. Chilled storage of Malaysian fishballs and hazard and CCP analyses, in Proceedings of the Seminar on the Advances in Fish Processing Technology in Southeast Asia in Relation to Quality Management and Workshop on Compilation of Fish Products in Southeast Asia. Hooi Kok Kuang, Low Lai Kim and Lim Pang Yong (Editors), Singapore, 29 October - 1 November 1996.

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