FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.3, December 2001 7

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Table 2: Cereal Imports and Food Aid Requirements in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2000/01 or 2001 (in thousand tonnes)

Sub-Region/ Country Marketing
2000 Cereal
production 1/
1999/00 or 2000 imports Position for 2000/01 or 2001
 Total  As %of
5 years
As % of
5 years
Food aid Cereal
made or
Food aid
of which
food aid
    Countries still in 2000/01 or 2001 marketing year
Eastern Africa  11 101 102 2 071 163 1 575 1 488 452 1 036 126 1 187 919 67
Burundi Jan./Dec. 254 98 70 149 9 106 50 56 41 26 22 30
Comoros Jan./Dec. 6 100 46 104 - 46 46 - 5 - - -
Djibouti Jan./Dec. - - 68 75 10 68 55 13 10 8 8 5
Eritrea Jan./Dec. 71 33 364 183 218 281 68 213 32 232 142  
Ethiopia 4/ Jan./Dec. 8 938 106 1 213 236 1 107 690 45 645 26 832 672  
Rwanda Jan./Dec. 236 129 219 81 175 175 115 60 3 28 25 32
Seychelles Jan./Dec. - - 13 102 - 13 13 - - - - -
Uganda Jan./Dec. 1 596 90 78 83 57 109 60 49 10 60 50  
Southern Africa 2 100 314 128 - 248 248 - 233 - - -
Mauritius Jan./Dec. 2 100 314 128 - 248 248 - 233 - - -
Western Africa 27 184 104 5 175 133 245 5 278 5 046 232 3 087 206 94 87
Coastal countries 27 184 104 5 175 133 245 5 278 5 046 232 3 087 206 94 87
Benin Jan./Dec. 985 120 155 123 6 113 102 11 69 13 9  
C�te d'Ivoire Jan./Dec. 1 408 118 1 222 198 17 858 851 7 654 5 5 2
Ghana Jan./Dec. 1 679 101 526 125 95 490 460 30 253 86 6  
Guinea Jan./Dec. 810 119 273 74 1 347 317 30 19 31 24  
Liberia Jan./Dec. 94 90 204 94 102 200 160 40 19 12 11 28
Nigeria Jan./Dec. 21 381 102 2 562 146 - 2 820 2 820 - 1 996 - -  
Sierra Leone Jan./Dec. 142 56 154 60 20 360 250 110 16 53 40 57
Togo Jan./Dec. 685 107 78 57 4 90 86 4 63 6 -  
Central Africa 2 858 99 1 031 136 61 846 806 40 340 67 56 -
Cameroon Jan./Dec. 1 237 101 302 114 3 300 297 3 174 6 6  
Cent.Afr.Rep. Jan./Dec. 132 100 43 127 3 33 31 2 14 1 1 -
Congo, Dem. Rep of Jan./Dec. 1 452 97 300 122 39 250 244 6 29 21 21  
Congo, Rep.of Jan./Dec. 4 100 252 219 11 155 128 27 81 33 28  
Equat.Guinea Jan./Dec. - - 18 148 1 10 10 - 6 2 - -
Gabon Jan./Dec. 33 118 104 138 1 87 87 - 37 - - -
Sao Tome Jan./Dec. - - 12 107 4 11 9 2 - 4 1  
Sub-total 41 145 103 8 591 139 1 881 7 860 6 552 1 308 3 786 1 460 1 069 154
    Countries which have entered their 2001/02 marketing year
Eastern Africa 9 040 80 3 761 180 368 4 494 3 342 1 152 3 938 524 511 636
Kenya Oct./Sept. 2 085 73 1 609 150 119 2 164 1 401 763 1 872 301 301 462
Somalia Aug./July 321 124 310 138 36 203 176 27 169 34 34  
Sudan Nov./Oct. 3 330 79 1 318 250 144 1 437 1 225 212 1 386 170 157 42
Tanzania June/May 3 304 82 524 193 70 690 540 150 511 18 18 132
Southern Africa 23 824 117 4 689 116 383 4 171 3 702 469 3 799 424 424 202
Angola April/March 506 107 641 135 154 753 420 333 441 199 199 134
Botswana April/March 21 49 250 126 - 250 250 - 250 - - -
Lesotho April/March 148 84 265 142 3 248 248 - 225 3 3  
Madagascar April/March 1 725 91 174 112 6 518 426 92 369 24 24 68
Malawi April/March 2 432 128 112 47 68 60 60 - 12 30 30  
Mozambique April/March 1 425 98 336 103 125 413 370 43 271 158 158  
Namibia May/April 140 154 132 139 1 100 100 - 81 1 1  
South Africa May/April 13 447 123 1 923 112 - 1 571 1 571 - 1 859 - - -
Swaziland May/April 87 74 73 100 - 88 88 - 87 - - -
Zambia May/April 1 460 135 443 160 23 64 63 1 64 4 4  
Zimbabwe April/March 2 433 114 340 116 5 106 106 - 140 4 4 -
Western Africa 8 863 96 2 110 106 183 2 094 1 895 199 2 431 174 130 47
Sahelian countries 8 863 96 2 110 106 183 2 094 1 895 199 2 431 174 130 47
Burkina Faso Nov./Oct. 2 251 93 172 103 35 210 165 45 217 26 17 19
Cape Verde Nov./Oct. 24 218 80 90 50 88 35 53 42 42 35 11
Chad Nov./Oct. 900 87 61 79 15 85 70 15 69 20 20  
Gambia Nov./Oct. 164 152 137 126 5 120 118 2 163 3 1  
Guinea-Bissau Nov./Oct. 133 102 65 84 10 72 60 12 43 5 5 7
Mali Nov./Oct. 2 142 97 107 99 3 90 80 10 108 5 3 5
Mauritania Nov./Oct. 153 101 274 96 17 285 260 25 295 36 35  
Niger Nov./Oct. 2 101 89 353 113 11 377 352 25 622 21 9 4
Senegal Nov./Oct. 995 116 861 112 38 767 755 12 873 16 6  
Sub-total 41 727 102 10 560 130 935 10 759 8 939 1 820 10 168 1 122 1 065 884
TOTAL 82 872 102 19 152 134 2 815 18 619 15 491 3 128 13 954 2 582 2 134 1 038

Note : Totals computed from unrounded data.
1/ Including rice in milled equivalent.
2/ Excludes re-exports.
3/ Includes all pledges reported to the GIEWS , whether for free distribution or market sale. However, there may be some cases where governments count some food aid received for market sale against commercial import requirements.
4/ Includes refugee needs.

FAO/GIEWS - December 2001

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