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The report of this Workshop is the final activity of a project financed by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme and entitled “Harmonization of marine fisheries policy within the SADC coastal countries” (TCP/RAF/8933). The Workshop reviewed and endorsed the technical documents being produced during project implementation. The report thus also includes the final version of those technical documents which were of a regional nature as well as elements for an Action Plan.

Project activities, including the preparation of this report were implemented through a joint project Steering Committee composed, on behalf of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), of Ms Hilda Khoeses (Sector coordinator, marine resources) and Xavier de Revier (Adviser) and, on behalf of FAO, of Alain Bonzon (FIPP/project Coordinator); Harris Aubray (SAFR); Blaise Kuemlangan (LEGN), Audun Lem (FIIU) and Steve Cunningham (Consultant/team leader, IDDRA). Mr Mamadou Tall (INFOPÊCHE) also participated to the work of the Committee.


Participants at the meeting
SADC Mailing List
FAO Regional and Sub-Regional Fisheries Officers
FAO Fisheries Department

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