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37. FAO presented a synopsis of the technical report on the comparative analysis of the legal framework of the SADC coastal states. The presentation focussed on the findings of the report which urged the SADC countries to review their legal framework and to establish whether the legal framework:

Areas of possible action to harmonize laws with reference to the draft SADC Fisheries Protocol were indicated and were included in the draft action plan.

38. In the discussion that followed, the workshop commended the presenter for the quality of the report and further requested the FAO to ensure its publication and distribution.

39. The workshop reiterated the need to monitor Member State Fisheries legislation as well as relevant regulations. With regard to regulations, it was pointed out that beside technical measures, they often contain provisions of a policy nature (such as co-management mechanisms) which needed to be adjusted from time to time.

40. With regard to HACCP and other established quality assurance systems, it was recognized that those systems should be incorporated into national sanitary legislation complemented by relevant regulations dealing with the Inspecting Authority and standards for laboratories. This was identified as a possible priority field for Harmonization at regional level.

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