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APPENDIX I - Summary of marine fisheries and resources sector projects

Project Title

Estimated cost and Duration

Status of Funding

Project Status

Regional Fisheries Information System (RFIS)

1.8 million £ sterling(approx. 2.7 million US$)Duration of 5 years from July 2000

Funded by DFID (1.8 million £ sterling)

Project underway since July 2000. 3 long-term TA’s in position, first year plan approved

SADC Monitoring, Control and Surveillance of Fishing Activities (MCS)

16.1 million US$Duration of 5 years from 2001

Funded by,EU (8th EDF) 6.3 million US$ andNational Indicative Funds 9.8 million US$

Project started February 2001 - inception phase underway. First year plan due August 2001

Support to the SADC Marine Fisheries Sector Co-ordinating Unit (SCU)

2 advisers are required for an estimated period of 2-5 years from 2000 at approximately 100,000 US$ per year.

NORAD funded adviser for 3 yearsCooperation Française adviser for 2 years

Both advisers in position since 1999 and 2000.

Assessment of Marine Fisheries Resources in SADC Region

Estimated 20 million US$ for West Coast (BENEFIT) for 10 years from 1997.East coast still in development stage.

Funding for Benefit programme fromGTZ, NORAD, FAO, ICEIDA, Cooperation Française, National funds

Project underway and developing momentum. Entering 3rd year of activities and new work programmes with key donors

Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME)

15 million US$ over 5 years from 2000

Funded by GEF 15 million US$ but signing of programme to complete funding process

Due to start in late 2001 once all pre-project administrative activities have been completed

Harmonization of Marine Fisheries Policy

253,000 US$ for approximately 12 months

Funded by FAO 253,000 US$

Final workshop due in July 2001 to complete this work. National consultants completed or finalising their activities

Marine Fisheries Training

No estimates or durations developed yet

Not funded

Not started

East Coast Large Marine Ecosystem and research collaboration (ECLME)

1. Initial workshop SADC - cost 30,200 US$

1. Funded by FAO

Contact has been made with many donors and support for piecemeal projects is available but to date no donor has accepted to support the larger LME initiative

2. Larger stakeholder workshop and review - 100,000 US$ 6 months

2. Not Funded

3. GEF Block B Grant for development of proposal - 250,000 US$ 2 years

3. Not Funded

Policy Study for Sustainable Mariculture Development

150,000 US$ for 6 months

Under discussions with UNDP for funding through Nordic Fund

Currently finalising the documentation with UNOPS for the project approval

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