World agriculture:

      towards 2015/2030

Summary report

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About this report

Executive summary 
(Download  -45KB)

The projections at a glance

Long-term Perspectives 
(Download  -94KB)

The outlook for agriculture
Prospects for food and nutrition

Food and Agriculture in National and International Settings 
(Download  -125KB)

Poverty and agriculture
International trade and globalization

Prospects by Major Sector 
(Download  -421KB)

Crop production
Land, water and crop yields
The role of technology
Livestock: intensification and its risks
Towards sustainable forestry
World fisheries: a choice of futures

Prospects for the Environment 
(Download  -78KB)

Agriculture and the environment
Agriculture and climate change

Annex 1: Countries and commodities covered

Annex 2: Statistical tables

(Download  -83KB)



This summary document, which is derived from a full technical report under the same title was prepared mainly by Paul Harrison. The full report is the product of cooperative work by most technical unts of FAO. It was prepared by a team led by Jelle Bruinsma under the general direction of Hartwig de Haen, Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Department. Members of the core team were Nikos Alexandratos, Josef Schmidhuber, Gerold Bödeker and Maria-Grazia Ottaviani.

In addition to the contributions made by the members of the core team, the following FAO staff members and consultants (in alphabetical order) made technical contributions and drafted sections of chapters of the full report: Clare Bishop, Giacomo Branca, Robert Brinkman, Sumiter Broca, Concha Calpe, Lawrence Clarke, Jean-Marc Faurès, Günther Fischer, Theodor Friedrich, René Gommes, Ali Gürkan, David Hallam, Jippe Hoogeveen, Simon Mack, Michael Martin, Jorge Mernies, Rebecca Metzner, Miles Mielke, Nancy Morgan, Freddy Nachtergaele, Loganaden Naiken, CTS Nair, Nquu Nguyen, David Norse, Joachim Otte, Jan Poulisse, Terry Raney, Nadia Scialabba, Kostas Stamoulis, Henning Steinfeld, Peter Thoenes, Vivian Timon, Bruce Traill, Dat Tran, Jeff Tschirley, David Vanzetti, Ulf Wijkstrom and Alberto Zezza. The nature of their contributions is specified in the Acknowledgements of the full report.

Members of the Working Group for the FAO Priority Area for Interdisciplinary Action on Global Perspective Studies provided comments on the various drafts.

Green Ink Ltd, under the direction of Simon Chater, undertook the editing, layout and artwork. FAO's Publishing and Multimedia Service was responsible for the final editing and printing.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In the presentation of statistical material, countries are, where appropriate, aggregated in the following main economic groupings: "Developed countries" (including the developed market economies or industrial countries and the transition countries) and "Developing countries". The designations "developed" and "developing" are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage of development reached by a particular country.

ISBN 92-5-104761-8

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