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Promoting the Contribution of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in Poverty Alleviation


Combating and eradicating poverty is one of the principal priorities of the international community. The 1995 UN World Summit for Social Development (Copenhagen 6-12 March 1995) expressed the commitment to this goal as an ethical, social, political and economic imperative of humankind. The UN Millennium Declaration adopted by the fifty-fourth session of the General Assembly, New York, September 2000, contains the commitment to halve, by the year 2015, the proportion of the world's population whose income is less than one dollar a day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. The 1996 Rome Declaration on World Food Security pledged political will and common and national commitment by governments to achieving food security for all and to reducing the number of undernourished people to half their present level no later than 2015.

The measurement of poverty, the identification of the poor and their characteristics, and the best policies and actions to alleviate poverty have also received wide academic research interest in recent years and have been the main thematic subject of the latest World Development Report (World Bank, 2000).

Currently, the normative areas of work by the Fisheries Department (FI) do not explicitly address poverty in fisheries. Poor people are addressed implicitly in the Code of Conduct of Responsible Fisheries as members of small-scale fishing communities or artisanal fishers who should be rendered with special protection and assistance. Article 6.18 on General Principles, for example, recognizes the important contributions of artisanal and small-scale fisheries to employment, income and food security and calls on States to "appropriately protect the rights of fishers and fishworkers, particularly those engaged in subsistence, small-scale and artisanal fisheries, to a secure and just livelihood, as well as preferential access, where appropriate, to traditional fishing grounds and resources in the waters under their national jurisdiction." Similarly, Article 9.1.4 on Aquaculture Development calls on States to "ensure that the livelihoods of local communities and their access to fishing grounds are not negatively affected by aquaculture developments". In the same vein, Article 10.13 on Integration of Fisheries into Coastal Area Management asks States, when governing access to coastal resources, to take into account "the rights of coastal fishing communities and their customary practices to the extent compatible with sustainable development."

As regards FI's field programme activities, the UK-financed five-year, US$34 million. Sustainable Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (SFLP) targets approximately 5 million people in the 25 participating countries of Sub-Saharan Africa who are directly employed in artisanal fisheries. SFLP seeks to promote the sustainable use of fisheries resources and the importance of fisheries for poor, artisanal fishers, fish-processors and traders, most of whom are women. Many of the target groups of the SFLP are believed to be poor but there are few in-depth studies on the nature, extent and causes of poverty in the fishing communities of West Africa.

The dearth of in-depth studies on poverty in fisheries was also noted by FAO's Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research (ACFR) which suggested at its 3rd Session (Rome, 5-8 December 2000) that research was necessary to obtain a more detailed, nuanced understanding of the various types and shapes of poverty in fisheries.

Recently, in cooperation with CEMARE and FAO HQs, SFLP has conducted a regional workshop with the following objectives:

Some of the key findings of this workshop include the following:


The project seeks to achieve three principal objectives as follows:

1. to strengthen FAO's normative work programme in support of member countries' efforts to alleviate poverty in fishing communities and to enhance the contribution of the fisheries sector in national poverty reduction strategies and programmes;

2. to strengthen FAO's field programme's impact on poverty alleviation in small-scale fisheries by increasing the understanding of the nature, extent and causes of poverty in fishing communities, developing and adapting appropriate poverty assessment and profiling methodologies, elaborating guidance for the better integration of small-scale and artisanal fisheries in national poverty reduction strategies, promoting the SLA in fisheries sector and national policy-making, and disseminating related experiences from pilot studies and projects;

3. to increase global awareness on poverty in small-scale and artisanal fisheries and on poverty alleviation strategies and measures.

Expected Outputs

The three immediate outputs expected from the project are:

1. as part of FAO's guidelines series, technical guidelines on the contribution of the Code of Conduct of Responsible Fisheries to poverty alleviation;

2. as part of FAO's technical paper series, a Fisheries Technical Paper on Fisheries and Poverty: Combating Poverty in Fishing Communities and Enhancing the Role of Fisheries in National Poverty Reduction Strategies and Programmes;

3. two seminars on the topic to exchange experiences and raise awareness within FAO.

The indirect outputs expected from the project are the dissemination and promotion of the use of the guidelines and technical paper in awareness raising and educational workshops, consultation and conferences, by government agencies and NGOs, and in the normative and field work of FAO and other multilateral and bilateral agencies including development banks.

Inputs and Work Plan

The project will draw widely on expertise and experience of poverty-related work in small-scale and artisanal fishing communities of developing countries, and including inland water fisheries as well as broader studies on poverty in rural areas. Special attention will be given to work undertaken within the framework of the sustainable livelihoods approach, in particular by the SFLP but drawing also upon work in other regions including South and Southeast Asia, East Africa and South America. The project will be implemented in close collaboration between SFLP and various units of FAO HQs.

The contribution of FAO HQs will include in-kind staff contribution and part of the printing and translation costs of the two immediate outputs. FAO HQs will also contribute towards the compilation of experiences from other regions. SFLP will contribute in-kind staff time as well as cover costs of consultants and field studies as well as part of the publication and translation costs.

A core working group will be established to oversee and provide guidance in project implementation. It will comprise staff of PCU, RCU and FIP, and progressively of other FAO units.

The total project period will be 3 years. The envisaged outputs are expected to be produced according to the following time plan:


End of first year:

Detailed annotated outline of Code guidelines

Middle of second year:

Publishing of Code guidelines in English

End of second year:

Publishing of Code guidelines in French and Spanish.


Two seminars will be organized at FAO HQs at the end of the first and second project year to raise awareness, exchange experiences and expertise, and provide critical reviews of intermediate project outputs. The seminar participants will comprise FAO staff, core working group members and selected resource persons.

Fisheries Technical Paper

End of first year:

Background studies initiated and/or completed on: (1) analyses of whether, why, and to what extent the fisheries sector was considered in the development of poverty reduction strategies in selected countries; (2) adaptation and testing of poverty assessment and profiling methodologies to small-scale fisheries; (3) compiling and analysing the experience with the SLA as entry point for poverty alleviation both in rural sectors.

Middle of second year:

Detailed annotated outline of Fisheries Technical Paper

End of second year:

Completion of all background studies.

Middle of third year:

First draft of Fisheries Technical Paper ready for peer review.

End of third year:

Publishing of Fisheries Technical Paper in English (followed by the French and Spanish versions in subsequent months).

Project progress will be reviewed and assessed as part of the joint annual reviews and mid-term review of SFLP.

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