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MAP 1: World map of mean annual precipitation, 1961-1990

Source: New et. al. (1999)

MAP 2: World map of internal renewable water resources (IRWR), per country

Source: FAO

MAP 3: Division of the world in ten regions

Source: FAO

MAP 4: Water resources in the Northern America region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 5: Water resources in the Central America and Caribbean region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 6: Water resources in the Southern America region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 7: Water resources in the Western and Central Europe region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 8: Water resources in the Eastern Europe region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 9: Water resources in the Africa region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 10: Water resources in the Near East region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 11: Water resources in the Central Asia region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 12: Water resources in the Southern and Eastern Asia region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

MAP 13: Water resources in the Oceania and Pacific region, total renewable water resources (TRWR) and dependency ratio

Source: FAO

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