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Working under FAO’s Volunteer Programme, Martin Hilmi provided invaluable assistance by reviewing existing literature on this topic and proposing a detailed outline for the guide. Stephen F. Jones was kind enough to search out his unpublished 1983 dissertation on Marketing Research for the Agricultural and Food Sectors in Developing Countries, which proved very helpful, as did an unpublished Business Plan for Small-Scale Agro-Industries by Morton Satin. Much use was made of several of the books listed in the Annex on “Further reading.” Particular appreciation is due to the various publications on food processing by Peter Fellows and to Ian Crawford’s work for FAO on Marketing Research and Information Systems (FAO Marketing and Agribusiness Text No. 4).

Messrs Fellows, Hilmi and Jones all provided valuable comments on an early draft of this guide, as did Roberto Cuevas-García, John Dixon, Michael Griffin, Miranda Jabati, Yoram Levtov, Alexandra Röttger, Edward Seidler and Pieter Ypma. Francesca Cabré Aguilar patiently revised numerous drafts. Tom Laughlin conceived the Marketing Extension Guide series and was responsible for the design of this guide. Last, but not least, many thanks to “Yuss” for the cartoons.

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