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Further reading

Austin, J.E. 1981. Agroindustrial project analysis. EDI Series in Economic Development. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London.

Brown J.G. with Deloitte & Touche. 1994. Agroindustrial investment and operations. EDI Development Studies. The World Bank. Washington, DC.

Coetzee, H., 2001. Market testing new food products with illiterate and semi-literate consumers. Food Chain No. 29. pp. 19-21. Rugby, UK. ITDG.

CTA. 2000. Marketing for small-scale producers, by A. de Veld. Agrodok No. 26. Wageningen, The Netherlands.

CTA, DSE, NARO & FAKT. 2000. Strategies for strengthening small-scale food processing in eastern and southern Africa. Proceedings of a workshop organized by CTA, DSE, NARO and FAKT, Entebbe, Uganda, November 1998. Wageningen, The Netherlands. CTA.

FAO. 1997. Marketing research and information systems. Marketing and agribusiness text No. 4, Rome.

FAO. 1997(a)., Guidelines for small-scale fruit and vegetable processors, by P.J. Fellows. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 127. Rome.

Eaton, C.E. and Shepherd, A.W. 2001. Contract farming - Partnerships for growth. Agricultural Services Bulletin, No. 145, FAO, Rome.

Fellows, P.J. & Axtell, B. 1993, Appropriate food packaging. TOOL/ILO Publications.

Fellows, P.J., Franco, E. & Rios, W. 1996. Starting a small food processing business. IT Publications.

Fellows, P.J. & Axtell, B. (eds.) 2001. Setting up and running a small food business - Opportunities in food processing. Wageningen, The Netherlands. CTA.

Francescutti, D., Gulliver, A. & Medeiros, K. 2000. Ruralinvest - Guía para la formulación y evaluación de pequeñas inversiones rurales. Manual de capacitación. Ruta-FAO. San José, Costa Rica.

Kindervatter, S. with Range, M. 1986. Marketing Strategy - Training activities for entrepreneurs. OEF International. Washington, DC.

Kindervatter, S. (ed.) 1992. Appropriate business skills for third world women - Doing a feasibility study: Training activities for starting or reviewing a small business. OEF International. Washington, DC.

Lecup, I. & Nicholson, K. 2000. Community-based tree and forest product enterprises: Market analysis and development. Booklet D Phase 2: Identify products, markets and means of marketing. FAO, Rome.

Shepherd, A.W. 1993. A guide to marketing costs and how to calculate them. FAO, Rome


Desktop publication: George Ellis
Cover illustration: Emanuela D’Antoni

The following is a list of booklets published in the

and how to calculate them
1993, 59 pp. (E F S)

for extension officers
1999, 111 pp. (EF)

Understanding and using
2000, 85 pp. (EFS)

for agroprocesssors
2003, 114 pp. (E S*)

Other titles in this series are planned. Suggestions for further publications are welcomed.

Available in:

E- English

F - French

S- Spanish

* Forthcoming (mid-2003)

For further copies of this publication and for information on FAO’s activities related to agricultural marketing please contact:

Agricultural Marketing Group
Agricultural Support Systems Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

FAX: (39) 0657056850
E-mail: [email protected]
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