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Request for assistance - Terminalia catapa

I am writing from Peru. Does anyone have any information on the possible industrialization of the plant Terminalia catapa? This plant grows well in this part of the world. (Victor Acosta Avila, Romulo Espinar 117 [esquina Colegio Rosa Agustina], Iquitos, Loreto, Peru; e-mail: [email protected])

Request for assistance - Brazil

I would appreciate receiving any information on NWFPs in the Brazilian Atlantic forest area. (Rodrigo Matta Machado, [email protected])

Request for information: medicinal uses of insects

I am eager to know the details regarding ongoing projects and scientists involved in work on the medicinal uses of insects and mites. This is an unexplored area that requires immediate attention. 

Here in India, the traders collect varieties of insects and mites from the forest and sell them to national and international markets. It is a sad fact that in our country very few researchers are working on this important aspect. The overexploitation of these creatures is now becoming a curse and their natural populations are decreasing dangerously.

I have done in-depth studies on the uses of insects and mites. My article on traditional knowledge about medicinal insects, mites and spiders in Chhattisgarh, India can be found at: (

I would like to have information regarding similar ongoing work in Africa and other parts of the world. (P. Oudhia, [email protected]; )

Request for information - charges for picking NWFPs

Fallows, laurel leaves, thyme, cumin, linden tree and garden sage are accepted non-wood forest products in our country [Turkey]. These products can be grown in forests and forest areas belonging to the government. For example, if I want to pick these products in government forest areas, I have to pay a treasury charge to the Forest Directorate in the area.

I would like to learn about this type of situation in other countries in the world. Are there similar applications in other countries? Do they also pay any charges to the government or any other related institution? (Mustafa Yagcioglu, Economist/Turkey; e-mail: [email protected])

"The radical invents the views. When he has worn
them out, the conservative adopts them."

Mark Twain

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