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Future avenues of research

The principal trends in the role of women in the rural economies of Latin America suggest several areas of research that could be most useful to policymakers. First, we need a better understanding of the effects of rising levels of education on rural women’s labour force participation and migratory propensities; what can we expect from the new generation of young rural women, many of whom are completing secondary school? Second, comparative quantitative research on “non-traditional” agriculture and rural industry across the region could be extremely helpful in assessing which types of rural development strategies are most beneficial to women in terms of increased employment and income-generating opportunities. A third component of a research agenda concerns the informal self-employment that is important for so many rural women in Latin America. More research is needed on how this sector operates, including forms of financing, marketing and linkages with agriculture and other aspects of the rural economy. Finally, a surprisingly neglected area of research is the formation and livelihood strategies of rural female headed households, which make up an increasingly large percentage of the rural population and the rural poor.

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