Publications are arranged under three general headings:
• General;
• Global;
• Regional or country emphasis.
This selection of books will help the reader learn more about pests and the more technical and scientific aspects of tree health. Some specifically emphasize forestry while others concentrate on insect pests and diseases of crop plants. The emphasis on a particular pest group is of less importance, when it comes to understanding biology, ecology, infection processes of pathogens and feeding habits of insects.
CABI crop protection compendium: global module. 2001. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing.
The most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information on all groups of plant pests. Copiously illustrated and contains photos that can be cut and pasted to create data sheets. Few forestry species are included; the equivalent forestry compendium has information on tree pests but is principally a silvicultural guide. The CABI crop protection compendium is an excellent and affordable guide to symptoms and features of pest attack on plants.
Field and laboratory guide to tree pathology. R.O. Blanchard & T.A. Tattar. 1997. New York, USA, Academic Press.
A standard guide to laboratory and field methods and procedures. Mainly concerned with fungal diseases although other non-insect pests are included.
Foliar symptoms of the nutrient disorders in the tropical shrub legume Gliricidia sepium. F.W. Smith & P.J. Vanden Berg. 1992. Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures Technical Paper No. 30. Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia, CSIRO Publishing.
Well illustrated, in colour. One of a series of three books that describes the effect of nutrient imbalances in important woody legumes based on experimental work in Australia; the other two books are on nutrient disorders in Leucaena and Calliandra species.
Forest health: its assessment and status. J. Innes. 1995. Wallingford, UK, CAB International.
The standard text addressing all factors, including tree pests, that affect the condition and overall health of trees. It is both a scientific account of tree health studies from Europe, North America and other countries, and a practical guide. Selected problems are illustrated with black and white photos.
Insect pests in tropical forestry. M.R. Speight & F.R. Wylie. 2000. Wallingford, UK, CAB International Publishing.
An excellent introduction that includes fundamental scientific aspects and practical control measures against tree pests. Pest damage is well described and there are colour photographs of insect pests infesting (mostly) plantation tree species, although agroforestry species are also included.
Nutrient disorders in plantation eucalypts. B. Dell, N. Malajczuk & T.S. Grove. 1995. ACIAR Monograph 31.
Well illustrated and in colour. A comprehensive guide based on work in Australia but of global relevance and application. A good source of general information that could be applied, albeit with caution, to other tree species.
Plant pathology. G. Agrios. 1997. San Diego, California, USA, Academic Press.
A popular and much-used undergraduate text that provides a general introduction to all pest groups except insects. Includes some examples of forest diseases although predominantly concerned with crop plants.
Plant pathologist's pocketbook. 3rd edition. J.M. Waller, J.M. Lenné & S.J. Waller. 2001. Wallingford, UK, CABI Publishing. A practical guide to laboratory and field practice. Contains advice on collecting samples, survey techniques and photography. Emphasis is on crop plants, but some information on trees. AVAILABILITY:
Principles of forest pathology. F.H. Tainter & F.A. Baker. 1996. New York, USA, John Wiley & Sons. Describes scientific aspects of tree pathogens based on examples and experiences in North America. AVAILABILITY:
Compendium of conifer diseases. E. Hansen & K.J. Lewis. 1997. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, APS Press.
Main examples are taken from North America and Europe but also information on major conifers from other continents and information on disorders. All problems are illustrated by colour photographs, but are often too small to be practical. Good source of up-to-date knowledge on major disease problems.
Decline and dieback of trees and forests. W.M. Ciesla & E. Donaubauer. 1994. FAO Forestry Paper 120. Rome. A good introduction to abiotic diseases with a global overview; most examples are taken from Europe and North America. The photographs are in black and white and describe selected problems. AVAILABILITY:
Diseases and pathogens of eucalypts. P.J. Keane, G.A. Kile, F.D. Podger & B.N. Brown. 2000. Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia, CSIRO Publishing.
A comprehensive scientific account from Australia; also includes information from other countries and their diseases. A reference book rather than a practical guide. Contains many colour photographs but their use for diagnostic purposes is limited.
Manual of diseases of tropical acacias in Australia, South-East Asia and India. K. Old, S.S. Lee, J. Sharma & Q.Y. Zi.. 2000. Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR.
First major account of tree pest problems reported from India to Australia where acacias have been widely planted for nascent forest plantation industries. The clear and helpful photographs of symptoms and pests will help in diagnosing problems.
Diagnosis of ill health in trees. R.G. Strouts, R.G. & T. Winter. 2000.
London, UK, The Stationary Office.
An excellent book, practical with well-chosen and organized colour photos. Information comes from many different starting points: host tree, pest name, symptom or type of damage. Much effort has been expended in providing a clear layout, as well as succinct and informative text.
Tree diseases and disorders: causes, biology and control in forest and amenity trees. H. Butin. Edited by D.
Lonsdale. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press.
General text with an emphasis on Europe. Also describes individual diseases and disorders (nonpest problems) on a selected range of tree species.
Diseases of trees and shrubs. W.A. Sinclair, H.H. Lyon & W. Johnson. 1989. Ithaca, NY, USA, Cornell University Press.
A large format book with the most comprehensive collection of good and well-reproduced photographs. Although the selection of tree species is geared towards all aspects of forestry in North America, this book has wider applications in recognizing and interpreting symptoms. It is difficult to examine lists of diseases on individual tree species because of how this information is condensed and displayed in the index. However, the accounts of different diseases are arranged mostly by pest, and are clear and informative.
Insects that feed on trees and shrubs. 2nd edition. W.T. Johnson & H.H. Lyon. 1991. Ithaca, NY, USA,
Cornell University Press.
An impressive and widely useful book that predated the companion volume, Diseases of trees and shrubs (see above). A separate index for insects, mites and other animals makes it easier to locate information.
Insects and diseases of trees in the South. Protection Report R8-PR16. United States Department of
Agriculture - Forest Service, Southern Region.
Includes both insect pests and diseases of commercial forestry species.