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Tuesday, 16 October 2001

1. Opening Ceremony

2. Introduction and Objectives of the Consultation

3. Country Paper Presentations

Sri Lanka

4. Technical Guidelines (Chinese experience, as related by FAO).

Wednesday, 17 October 2001

5. Presentation of Synthesis Paper and Discussion of Major Issues Related to Intensification.

Nutrition and feeding.

Diseases and health management.

Water use and environment.

Perspectives from the point of view of government planners and policy makers, technical experts, producers and others.

6. Presentation of Global Perspectives Followed by Discussions.

Nutrition and feeding.
Diseases and health management.
Water use and environment.

7. Discussion on Preparation of Draft Consultation Recommendations and Draft Technical Guidelines Including Formation of Working/Drafting Groups.

8. Working Groups.

Working Group 1: Water and Environment
Working Group 2: Nutrition and Feeding
Working Group 3: Diseases Control and Health Management
Working Group 4: Seed Resources

Thursday, 18 October 2001

8. Working Groups (Continued).

9. Plenary Discussions of Working Group Findings.

10. Working Groups Incorporate Comments and Finalize Their Work on Draft Recommendations and Draft Guidelines.

Friday, 18 October 2001

11. Plenary Discussions and Finalizing of Draft Recommendations and Draft Guidelines.

12. Presentation and Adoption of Consultation Report.

13. Closing Ceremony.

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