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Local name (Bemba)

English name


Oreochromis mweruensis


Green headed bream

Tilapia rendalli


Red breasted bream

Serranochromis macrocephalus


Serranochromis stappersii

Makobo/Impanda matete

Tylochromis mylodon



Mormyrops longirostris



Mormyrus anguilloides


Marcusenius monteiri


Marcusenius macrolepidotus



Hydrocynus vittatus


Tiger fish

Alestes macrophthalmus


Torpedo robber


Opsaridium zambezense


Carp like fishes

Labeo altivelis


Luapula salmon


Schilbe mystus


African butterfish

Schilbe banguelensis



Heterobranchus boulengeri



Clarias gariepinus


Clarias theodorae


Clarias buthupogon


Clarias ngamensis



Synodontis species




Chrysichthys sharpii


Bagrid catfishes

Auchenoglanis occidentalis



Microthrissa moeruensis


Freshwater herring

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