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In order to remedy current problems in sampling, the following actions have to be taken in the various fleets or countries:

  1. All countries should aim for an average sampling intensity of one sample per 1 000 tonnes of fish caught in the various fisheries.
  2. The number of fish in a sample should normally be approximately 100 individuals. This number should be increased or decreased, depending on the length composition of the catch; the more length groups in the catch, the larger the sample should be.
  3. Starting from 1 January 2004, all length measurements should be reported as total length.
  4. Mauritania should provide catch figures for the industrial fishery split by fleet (EU and non-EU).
  5. Russian data should be combined into absolute numbers of fish per species, length group and quarter prior to the meeting.
  6. Mauritania should initiate scientific sampling on board vessels that do not belong to the Dutch or Russian fleets. In addition, Mauritania should also provide catch figures for the artisanal landings in Mauritania.
  7. Senegal should provide an estimate of the amount of fish caught in Mauritanian waters but landed in Senegal.
  8. Senegal should drastically increase its sampling of artisanal catches, and also provide weights of the samples taken for length measurements.
  9. The Gambia should initiate a sampling program of its artisanal catches.

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