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In addition to staff at both UNCTAD and FAO, special thanks go to the state food agencies, trading companies and banks that have provided valuable information and support for the survey on which this study is partly based. These include: ABSA (South Africa), ACE Audit Control & Expertise (Switzerland), Africa Banking Corporation (Botswana), Alfred C. Toepfer International (Singapore), Alimport (Cuba), Ascot Commodities NV (Switzerland), Astra Agro Lestari (Indonesia), Banque Cantonale de Genève (Switzerland), BNP (Switzerland), Bunge S.A. (Switzerland), Canadian Wheat Board (Canada), Cargill International (Singapore, Switzerland), Cooperative Wholesale Establishment (Sri Lanka), Crédit Agricole Indosuez (Switzerland) SA, Export-Import Bank of India, First National Bank (South Africa), Fortis Bank (Singapore), Graderco SA (Morocco), ICICI Bank (India), Indonesian Edible Oil Association, National Cereals and Produce Board (Kenya), Nedbank (South Africa), Novel Trading (Switzerland), Office National de l'Huile (Tunisia), Office National Interprofessionnel des Céréales et des Légumineuses (Morocco), Office Tunisien des Céréales (Tunisia), Olam International Ltd. (Singapore), Prima Ltd (Singapore), PT. Sawitra Oil Grains (Indonesia), Rabobank (The Netherlands, Singapore), Rustal Trading Corporation (Switzerland), Serendib Flour Mills (Sri Lanka), Seylan Bank (Sri Lanka), Société Générale de Surveillance (Switzerland), Société Tunisienne de Banque (Tunisia), State Trading Corporation (Mauritius), The Indonesian Food & Beverages Association, The Rice Company (United States), The Rice Exporters Association of Thailand, and Ugandan Grain Traders Association.

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