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The material[1] assembled here seeks to reproduce a representative selection of briefing materials (some technical, some journalistic/academic), which might be available to an analyst beginning work on a new country. To achieve verisimilitude, a large number of economic and political "facts" and "opinions" are presented. These are fictitious, drawn entirely from the imagination of the authors, do not represent any actual country, and do not attempt to characterise any particular region of the world. No attempt has been made to present the ten documents that follow the Background Note in a logical sequence, and there may be gaps and contradictions among them, as is the case in a real situation. The statistical annex (on the CD-ROM) offers some quantitative data and a few graphs that participants may wish to analyse, time permitting. These data may illustrate, complement and sometimes contradict what can be found in the documents.

[1] SOUTHLAND: A Case Study-Based Training Exercise in Policy Analysis for the Agriculture and Rural Sector is based on an idea proposed by Mr Franco Viciani, former Chief, Agricultural Policy Support Service, Policy Assistance Division, FAO, the preliminary versions were authored by Dr Jonathan Kydd, Imperial College, London, Wye, UK, and subsequently it was updated and finalized by Mr Materne Maetz and edited by Ms Julia Heath, Agricultural Policy Support Service, Policy Assistance Division, FAO.

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