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4.15 Paraquat (057)(T)**

T- toxicological evaluation

** Evaluated within the Periodic Review Programme of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues


Paraquat is a bipyridilium herbicide that was evaluated by the JMPR in 1970, 1972, 1976, 1985 and 1986, in order to establish an ADI. A toxicological monograph was published after the 1970 JMPR and addenda to the monograph were published after the 1972, 1976 and 1982 Meetings. A toxicological monograph was published after the 1986 JMPR. At the 1970 JMPR, an ADI of 0-0.001 mg/kg bw, as paraquat dichloride, was established. The 1972 JMPR assigned an ADI of 0-0.002 mg/kg bw, while the 1982 JMPR reduced the ADI to 0-0.001 mg/kg bw. The 1986 JMPR established an ADI of 0-0.004 mg/kg bw as paraquat ion (equal to 0-0.006 mg/kg bw as the dichloride).

Paraquat was re-evaluated by the present Meeting within the periodic review programme of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues. A considerable amount of data has been generated since 1986 and was submitted for evaluation; these data include studies on the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of paraquat and numerous studies of toxicity (acute, reproductive and developmental). Furthermore, a substantial number of papers in the open literature on, inter alia, the genotoxicity and neurotoxicity of paraquat have been reviewed. In all studies relevant to risk assessment, doses and intakes are expressed as paraquat ion.

The pharmacokinetics and metabolism of paraquat have been the subject of many studies. Paraquat is not well-absorbed when administered orally. After oral administration of radiolabelled paraquat to rats, more than half the dose (60-70%) appeared in the faeces and a small proportion (10-20%) in the urine. In studies involving single or repeated doses, excretion of the radiolabel was rapid; about 90% was excreted within 72 h. Residual radioactivity was primarily found in the lungs, liver and kidneys. Some studies have found small amounts in the brain, but only in structures outside the blood-brain barrier or in structures without a blood-brain barrier (the pineal gland and linings of the cerebral ventricles, the anterior portion of the olfactory bulb, hypothalamus and area postrema). Paraquat is taken up into the lungs by an active process, whose normal substrate is endogenous diamines, e.g. putrescine and polyamines such as spermine and spermidine. In rats, dogs and monkeys, there are indications that paraquat is actively secreted in the kidneys.

Paraquat is largely eliminated unchanged; in rats, approximately 90-95% of radiolabelled paraquat in urine was excreted as the parent compound. Some studies have failed to show the presence of any metabolites after oral administration of paraquat, while others have shown a small degree of metabolism probably occurring in the gut as a result of microbial metabolism. Paraquat was not found in the bile.

The acute LD50 after oral administration was 290-360 mg/kg bw in mice and 112-350 mg/kg bw in rats, while the guinea-pig was more sensitive (LD50 of 22-30 mg/kg bw). The LD50 in cynomolgus monkeys was 50-70 mg/kg bw. Paraquat was considered to be a mild skin irritant and a moderate eye irritant and was not a skin sensitizer in the Magnusson and Kligman test.

The predominant feature of exposure to repeated doses of paraquat was lung toxicity. Renal toxicity (proximal tubular damage) and toxicity to the liver (jaundice and elevations of enzyme activity) were also found. In some studies, lens opacities were seen. At higher doses, decreased body-weight gain, clinical signs (dyspnoea, increased respiratory sounds, swellings and sores in the genital area), haematological changes and effects on organ weight were reported, as well as increased mortality.

Lung abnormalities observed in mice, rats and dogs consisted of increased lung weight and gross pathological changes. Associated histopathological changes included cell necrosis, alveolar cell proliferation and hypertrophy, oedema, infiltration of macrophages and mononuclear cells and exudate. Dogs were most sensitive to paraquat-induced lung toxicity, followed by rats and mice; a NOAEL of 0.45 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day was found in a 1-year study in dogs, on the basis of signs of respiratory dysfunction and histopathological changes at higher doses. This finding was supported by the NOAEL of 0.55 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day from a 13-week study in dogs.

Ophthalmoscopy in-life and histopathological examination of eyes at necropsy revealed corneal opacity and cataracts in animals receiving doses of 3.75 mg and 7.5 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day in a lifetime study in Fischer rats. Other ocular effects included lenticular degeneration, lens capsular fibrosis and/or lens ruptures, peripheral retinal degeneration, and proteinaceous vitreous humour. At time-points after 2 years (i.e. after the study would have ended according to current guidelines), rats receiving the lowest dose exhibited age-related peripheral morgagnian corpuscles and slight peripheral and moderate mid-zonal lenticular degeneration. Histopathological evidence of cataracts was also found at the highest dose (7.67 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day) in a 2-year study in Fischer rats, but not at lower doses. In another 2-year study in Wistar rats, no intergroup differences in the prevalence of cataracts were seen. These differences between effects on the lens in the three long-term studies in rats may be indicative of a difference between Wistar and Fischer rats.

Paraquat elicited renal toxicity, which comprised changes in the proximal tubules of the kidneys (hydropic degeneration, eosinophilia and dilatation) in mice fed with 15.0 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day in a lifetime study. Some very mild changes were also observed in males at 5.62 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day, however, there was a clear NOAEL at 1.88 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day. There were some histopathological effects on renal distal tubular cells at 1.75 mg and 3.52 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day in a 13-week study in dogs, the NOAEL being 0.55 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day.

The frequency of pulmonary adenoma was increased in females in a 2-year study in rats receiving a dose of 8.47 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day; however, there was a clear NOAEL at 3.13 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day. In males, adenocarcinoma was found in three animals (out of 80) receiving a dose of 10.6 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day, one animal (out of 80) receiving 3.52 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day and two animals (out of 80) receiving 1.34 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day. The NOAEL for males in this study was 0.77 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day, on the basis of histopathology of the lungs. In a second 2-year study in rats, no intergroup differences in tumour incidence were seen at any site. After review of the histopathological findings in the lifetime study in rats, it was concluded that the incidence of lung neoplasms in the test groups was comparable to that in the control groups. Thus tumours were seen in only one out of three long-term studies in rats. The Meeting concluded that the weight of evidence suggested that paraquat was not carcinogenic in the rat. Paraquat was not considered to be tumorigenic in two studies in mice.

Paraquat has been tested extensively in a broad range of in vitro and in vivo assays for genotoxicity, with mixed results. Studies more commonly gave positive results when DNA damage or clastogenicity were the end-points. Paraquat is known to produce active oxygen species and the available evidence indicates that it is probably this property that is responsible for its genotoxicity. Consequently, there is a threshold below which genotoxic activity will not be evident, provided that normally functioning antioxidant defence mechanisms have not been overwhelmed. The Meeting concluded that paraquat is unlikely to pose a genotoxic risk to humans.

Because of the nature of the genotoxicity observed and the lack of carcinogenicity in rats and mice, the Meeting concluded that paraquat was unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans.

Three studies of reproductive toxicity in rats were reported. The overall NOAEL for parental toxicity was 1.67 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day, and the NOAEL for pup toxicity was 5.0 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day. Impaired fertility was not seen in these studies. Two studies of developmental toxicity in rats and two in mice were available for evaluation. The lowest NOAELs observed for both maternal and developmental toxicity in rats were 1 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day, on the basis of clinical signs, and reduced body-weight gain in the dams and reduced mean fetal weights and retarded ossification in the fetuses. Higher NOAELs for maternal and developmental toxicity were seen in mice. Teratogenicity was not seen at any dose in any study in either rats or mice.

Paraquat is structurally similar to the known dopaminergic neurotoxicant 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). As a result, paraquat has been considered as a possible etiologic factor in Parkinson's disease. However, paraquat is a quaternary nitrogen compound and therefore crosses biological membranes poorly, unlike MPTP, the precursor of the neurotoxicant methylphenylpyridinium ion (MPP+). Data made available to the Meeting suggested that paraquat was not taken up by the dopamine transporter. Studies on the effects of paraquat on the central nervous system have used a variety of routes, including subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection and direct injection into the central nervous system, and end-points observed have been behavioural, morphological and neurochemical. Behavioural effects and loss of neurones in the substantia nigra were observed and, neurochemically, depletion of dopamine was reported in many, but not all of these studies. However, the design of these studies renders the relevance of these data questionable for the risk assessment of dietary exposure to paraquat residues.

Persistent hypoactivity was observed in mice given paraquat by mouth on post-natal days 10 and 11. Reduced striatal content of dopamine and its metabolites was seen, but concentrations of serotonin were not affected. In a similar study of which the Meeting was aware, these findings had not been reproduced.

The Meeting concluded that the available mechanistic and other animal studies did not support the hypothesis that paraquat residues in food are a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in humans.

Two studies carried out to assess the potential involvement of combined exposure to the herbicide paraquat and the manganese-containing ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicide maneb in the etiology of idiopathic Parkinson's disease were evaluated by the Meeting. Paraquat or maneb, or a combination of the two, was given intraperitoneally to mice. The study was not designed appropriately to investigate potentiation and the results could have reflected dose-additivity.

Intentional and accidental poisoning with paraquat has been a major cause of death in many countries. Most incidents are caused by ingestion of the concentrate intended for agricultural use. Local effects include damage to the skin, nails, mouth, eyes and nose. Sore throat, dysphagia and epigastric pain may occur. Systemic effects, which produce the fatal outcome seen in those who have ingested a sufficient quantity of paraquat, mainly involve the respiratory system. The changes in the lungs that underly the symptoms and clinical signs comprise a proliferative alveolitis similar to that seen in most experimental animals treated with paraquat. In most, but not all, patients who develop the characteristic lung changes, the condition progresses inevitably towards a fatal outcome, death being due to respiratory failure. Numerous therapies have been tested but none has been consistently successful.

A number of epidemiological (case-control) studies have been carried out in humans with Parkinson's disease. In some of these, associations with exposure to chemicals including pesticides (in some cases specifically paraquat) were sought. Some but not all studies have shown a relationship between working in situations which might involve contact with or use of pesticides and Parkinson's disease, but associations with exposure to specific pesticides have not been shown consistently.

The Meeting established an ADI of 0-0.005 mg paraquat ion/kg bw on the basis of a NOAEL of 0.45 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day in the 1-year study in dogs and using a safety factor of 100. Although a 1-year study in dogs is not considered to be a long-term study, the nature and time-course of the pathogenesis of the lung lesions were such that the application of an additional safety factor was not considered necessary.

The Meeting established an acute RfD of 0.006 mg paraquat ion/kg bw based on the NOAEL of 0.55 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day in the 13-week study in dogs, with a safety factor of 100. Histopathological changes in the lungs were present at higher doses in both studies in dogs.

A toxicological monograph was prepared.

Toxicological evaluation

Levels relevant to risk assessment







13-week study


100 ppm, equal to 8.33 mg ion/kg bw per day

300 ppm, equal to 25.9 mg ion/kg bw per day

97-99-week study


12.5 ppm, equivalent to 1.88 mg ion/kg bw per day

37.5 ppm, equivalent to 5.62 mg ion/kg bw per day


100 ppm equivalent to 15.0 mg ion/kg bw per dayb


Study of developmental toxicity

Maternal toxicity

10 mg/kg bw per dayb


Embryo- and fetotoxicity

10 mg/kg bw per dayb



13-week study


100 ppm, equal to 4.74 mg/kg bw per day

300 ppm, equal to 14.2 mg/kg bw per day

104-week study


30 ppm, equal to 0.77 mg/kg bw per day

100 ppm, equal to 2.55 mg/kg bw per day


300 ppm, equal to 7.67 mg ion/kg bw per dayb


Multigeneration study of reproductive toxicity

Parental toxicity

25 ppm, equivalent to 1.67 mg/kg bw per day

75 ppm, equivalent to 5.0 mg/kg bw per day

Pup toxicity

75 ppm, equivalent to 5.0 mg/kg bw per day

150 ppm, equivalent to 10.0 mg/kg bw per day

Study of developmental toxicity

Maternal toxicity

1 mg/kg bw per day

5 mg/kg bw per day

Embryo- and fetotoxicity

1 mg/kg bw per day

5 mg/kg bw per day


13-week study


20 ppm, equal to 0.55 mg/kg bw per day

60 ppm, equal to 1.75 mg/kg bw per day



15 ppm, equal to 0.45 mg/kg bw per day

30 ppm, equal to 0.93 mg/kg bw per day

a Dietary concentrations are expressed as dichloride or ion as in the study report; intakes and doses are expressed as paraquat ion

b Highest dose tested

Estimate of acceptable daily intake for humans

0-0.005 mg paraquat ion/kg bw

Estimate of acute reference dose

0.006 mg paraquat ion/kg bw

Studies that would provide information useful for continued evaluation of the compound

Further observations in humans

Summary of critical end-points for paraquat

Absorption, distribution, excretion and metabolism in mammals

Rate and extent of oral absorption


Dermal absorption

Poor; 0.25-0.29% absorbed (humans)


Highest concentrations found in the lungs, liver and kidneys

Potential for accumulation

No potential for passive accumulation; active uptake into type II pneumocytes

Rate and extent of excretion

Rapid, about 64% in 24 h; 10% in urine, the remainder in the faeces; none is found in bile


Some metabolism (< 5%) in gut (probably microbial); paraquat is largely excreted unchanged

Toxicologically significant compounds (animals, plants and environment)

Parent compound

Acute toxicity

Rat, LD50, oral

100-300 mg paraquat ion/kg bw

Rat, LD50, dermal

80-> 660 mg paraquat ion/kg bw

Rat, LC50, inhalation

0.0006-0.0014 mg paraquat ion/l (4-h exposure)

Rabbit, skin irritation


Rabbit, eye irritation


Skin sensitization

Not sensitizing (Magnusson and Kligman test)

Short term toxicity

Target organ/critical effect

Lung toxicity

Lowest relevant oral NOAEL

0.55 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day (13-week study in dogs); 0.45 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day (1-year study in dogs)

Lowest relevant dermal NOAEL

1.15 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day (21-day study in rabbits)

Lowest relevant inhalation NOAEC

0.00001 mg/l (21-day study in rats)


Paraquat was clastogenic at high concentrations Unlikely to pose a genotoxic risk to humans at dietary concentrations

Long term studies of toxicity and carcinogenicity

Target organ/critical effect

Lung toxicity

Lowest relevant NOAEL

0.77 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day (2-year study in rats)


Not carcinogenic; unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans

Reproductive toxicity

Reproduction target/critical effect

Lung toxicity in pups

Lowest relevant reproductive NOAEL

5 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day (three- generation study in rats)

Developmental target/critical effect

Not teratogenic; reduced fetus weight and ossification at maternally toxic dose

Lowest relevant developmental NOAEL

1 mg paraquat ion/kg bw per day (rats)

Neurotoxicity/delayed neurotoxicity

Not neurotoxic by oral route

Other toxicological studies

Mechanistic studies on lung, liver and kidney toxicity

Medical data

Causes acute poisoning




Safety factor


0-0.005 mg/kg bw

Dog, 1-year study


Acute RfD

0.006 mg/kg bw

Dog, 13-week study


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