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17. Workshop participants were informed that fish farming in Malawi started in the 1940s and has been subjected to both government and donor intensive intervention through projects.

18. It was noted, however, that results have not always been satisfactory. The current total production from aquaculture in Malawi is estimated at 800 metric tonnes, of which 93 percent is tilapia, five percent catfish and two percent exotic species such as common carp, black bass and trout.

19. Currently, it is difficult to distinguish between commercial and non-commercial farming in Malawi. The potential exists both at small-scale and at commercial levels. It is estimated that more than 11 650 km2 of land in Malawi, about 15 percent of the land available has potential for aquaculture.

20. Major constraints to development have been identified as: species choice; availability and cost of fish feed; low price of fish; limited modern technology; inadequate collaboration among donors supporting aquaculture; inadequate policy direction on specific issues and lack of appreciation by policy-makers of the ability of aquaculture to contribute significantly to the country’s economy.

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