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27. The Secretariat introduced this agenda item by recalling one of the possible definitions of a policy as being a statement (perhaps formalized) of belief (or position) and direction on a given issue (or problem) that is developed for the purpose of guiding present and future actions which aim at addressing the issue (problem). As such, a policy sets a framework and provides direction for decision making in solving or alleviating an identified or perceived social, economic, political or technical issue/problem. There is no wrong or right policy, but bad and good policies.

28. Policy variables were also defined as being conditions that can be influenced by government decisions. The rationale of discussing a policy framework for the promotion of sustainable commercial aquaculture was established by demonstrating that most prerequisites and main constraints to commercial aquaculture development in Malawi and Zambia are policy variables, which therefore can be influenced by government decisions.

29. The Workshop noted that enabling policies can be general in scope, or oriented specifically to the aquaculture sector. General policies include improved governance, measures to ensure political and policy stability, secure property rights, reduced corruption, among others. Sectoral policies can be defined at the overall level or at the level of the farm. Overall sectoral policies include appropriate legal and regulatory and administrative frameworks, marketing strategies and encouraging pioneer associations. At the level of the farm, policies to promote commercial aquaculture could be attracting foreign investment in aquaculture, influencing input availability and prices, or providing start-up funding.

30. Workshop participants further noted that sound enabling government policies, whether sector specific or not, are critical factors for commercial aquaculture to take off and/or develop in Malawi and Zambia. They made the following suggestions with respect to the assistance that FAO could provide in promoting commercial aquaculture in Malawi and Zambia:

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