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The Workshop recognized that:

51. There is still much unrealized potential for economically viable and sustainable commercial aquaculture in Zambia and Malawi. However, commercial aquaculture is developing at a very slow pace in these two countries. Nonetheless, there is still growing interest that needs support.

52. There is a need in Zambia and Malawi to speed up the development of policies, strategies, strategic plans, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks in order to regulate, facilitate and enable commercial aquaculture to take off and expand.

53. The major constraints to commercial aquaculture development in Zambia and Malawi remain:

1. The quasi-complete inaccessibility to funding and to loans.

Inaccessibility to funding and loans arises from:

2. The lack of clear enabling policies, strategies, plans and legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for aquaculture development in general.

3. A shortage of skilled manpower.

54. Donor and government focus in aquaculture has traditionally been in small holder sector. Consequently, commercial aquaculture has felt left out and is equally in need of support.

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