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The Web site of FAO’s NWFP Programme has been completely updated and revamped and has a new URL: 1

Any comments are welcomed and can be sent to:
[email protected]

Amazon, a Brazilian NGO based in the state of Acre, has developed a special section of its Web site focusing on local problems of biopiracy. The pages are available in Portuguese and English.

Anamed (Action for Natural Medicine)
Anamed is a small independent NGO based in Germany that conducts training seminars in Natural Medicine. The seminars aim to equip both traditional healers and formal health workers in countries in Africa to use medicinal plants for health and healing.

Association Technique Internationale des Bois Tropicaux

Bees for Development
The Bees for Development Web site provides an insight into their work and activities. There is a possibility to download a complimentary copy of their journal.

The Bugwood Network has more than 11 000 images and photographs of insect pests, invasive organisms, weeds, IPM images and other forestry images available online.

Cancer Plants
This Web site is for those who are interested in sustainability of the world’s natural medicine chest.

Center for Plant Conservation
Comprehensive information about the United States’ native, imperilled plants.

Chile: Red Chilena de Productos Forestales no Madereros

Community-Based Natural Resource Management Network (CBNRM Net)


ECOLEX is a database providing the most comprehensive, global source of information on environmental law.

FAOTERM, a terminological database covering FAO’s specialized subjects in a multilingual format, has been redesigned and enhanced to give online users:
• faster access
• improved overall performance
• more user-friendly interface
• advanced search facilities
• filters by subject and categories
• an e-mail feedback system ensuring transparency and interaction between FAO and its users.

Gender and Sustainable Development Resource Directory
This database places a focus on resources produced in the global South. Subjects include Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Environment and Health.

Earth from the Air


FAO Forestry Department’s new sites

Genetically modified trees and biosecurity
A new site has been linked in on the Forestry home page. It addresses the issues of genetically modified organisms from a forestry point of view and is available in English, French and Spanish.

Environment and utilization
Forest utilization is, of course, what Forestry is all about. On the golden path towards sustainable forest management, environmental aspects of all kinds of forestry must be taken into consideration. This site covers this subject in detail and offers much further reading.

FAO forestry databases

FAO has prepared a small database on sources of funding for activities in support of sustainable forest management. In response to the many positive comments we received on this pilot project, we have been working to expand this further and a much fuller version of the database is now available (

The database contains links to the Web pages of agencies that present clear guidelines and procedures for applying for their funds. The database can be queried by type of activity, country, type of applicant and the amount of funding required. In addition, in recognition of the digital divide, we have a facility to print-on-demand a complete database extraction for any country in the world and we will be disseminating some of these hard-copies to our partners in developing countries.

Forest valuation database. Another area where FAO is frequently asked for advice is the subject of forest valuation. In response to this, we have created a small database of forest valuation studies, with about 30 examples each from Africa, Asia and Latin America (

The database contains short summaries of each study and information such as the location of each study, the forest outputs valued, the valuation methodologies used and the value estimates produced in each study. The database is currently restricted to studies that can be obtained online in full and we have focused on developing countries. The database can be queried by country, type of output and valuation methodology used.

These databases will be updated periodically and FAO would be happy to receive comments, new information or updates to existing information on the databases. Any such information can be sent to Adrian Whiteman ([email protected]).

For more information, please contact:

Adrian Whiteman, Senior Forestry Officer, Forest Economics Service, Forest Products and Economics Division, Forestry Department, FAO, Rome, Italy.

E-mail: [email protected]

Focus on Forests

Forest and Poverty Mapping in South Asia

Forestry and Land Use Programme, IIED
The Forestry and Land Use Programme seeks to improve people’s livelihoods from forest and land use on the basis of equity, efficiency and sustainability.

Forestry Images
A joint venture by the US Forest Service and the University of Georgia, Forestry Images holds nearly 4 500 colour JPEG images of forest plants, insects, silvicultural practices, invasive organisms, and general natural scenes.

This World Bank site summarizes knowledge and experience, provides gender statistics, and facilitates discussion on gender and development.

Global Trees Campaign
A Global Tree Conservation Atlas will be one of the main outputs of the Global Trees Campaign. The Campaign is a partnership between Fauna & Flora International and UNEP-WCMC.

Geographic Aspects of Inequality and Poverty is a portal for everyone interested in non-profit organizations and issues, non-profit careers, and volunteering. Idealist provides numerous services to the global community (almost all of them free of charge) in an effort to connect people, resources and non-profits around the world.

Instrumentos institucionales para el desarrollo de dueños de pequeñas tierras forestales
Este sitio presenta los resultados de un estudio que revisó las experiencias de integración horizontal y vertical que involucran dueños de pequeñas tierras forestales en el Brasil, Chile, Honduras, México y Nicaragua, y que adecuó instrumentos y metodologías disponibles en la literatura aplicable a la integración.

Manejo campesino de recursos naturales y productos forestales no maderables

“Medicinal Plant Working Group” – Green Medicine

Megadiverse – “The biologically richest countries in the world”
The Link-Minded Group of Megadiverse Countries – Bolivia, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, the Philippines, South Africa and Venezuela – operate a Web site about the group’s work. The site is available In Spanish and English.

Networks or newsletters

Revista Bosques Amazónicos Virtual
Bosques amazónicos virtu@l, es una publicación quincenal de Bosques Tropicales S. R. Ltda.
Para más información, dirigirse a:
Juan Mateluna Florián, Director, A.P. 556, Iquitos, Perú.
Fax: +51 65 223039;
correo electrónico: [email protected]

Caucasus Environmental NGO Network
The Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) is a voluntary effort of more than 6 000 members to foster regional cooperation by improving communication among environmental organizations in the Caucasus hotspot. Visitors to its Web site can subscribe to free daily news and monthly bulletins and find links to environmental organizations throughout the region.

Forest biometry, modelling and information sciences (FBMIS)
FBMIS is a peer-reviewed Internet journal which provides free access to original research and review articles.

Forestry and Society Newsletter

The International Institute for Sustainable Development, providers of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, in collaboration with the secretariat of the UN Forum on Forests, has created a new e-mail list for news and announcements related to forest policy issues. To sign up to Forests-L, go to:

RAinforest REport (RARE)
RARE, a quarterly e-zine, packed with exciting rain forest news, reviews, expedition updates and student research opportunities.

Red chilena del bambu

SAMPDA (Samagra Adivasi Medicinal Plants Development Association)
Herbal research, extension and education.

A search engine for scientific information.

Small Grants Programme for Operations to Promote Tropical Forests in Southeast Asia (SGP PTF)
The SGP PTF aims to enable civil society organizations to implement forest-related projects in nine Asian countries, including the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Ii includes details on recent calls for proposals and application guidelines.

Techno Tree Biology Dictionary

The Guiana Shield Initiative (GSI)

Trees outside forests

Urban Forestry Forum

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